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Sunday, May 23, 2010

1th in Waco

one of this perfect days !
nice temperature, race start 8.30am, 5min ride from the homestay place to the race, good music..
then the race;
fast swim for me in the river, no wetsuit,
loved the bike course,
the stairs of the run hurt, but finally I had
just a great race and good legs,
all in the beautiful area of Cameron Park, and
having very nice people around.
On the men side won Conrad Stoltz his second straight Xterra cup race, more results;

Had a wonderful time here in Texas!!
Big hug to the organisation here in Waco (Kim J. and park crew, Mike C.), homestay family Hairston, my great buddies Emma and Trevor, special thank to Shonny for the hat at the prize celebration and always being a great friend and hard competitor!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Waco news

I have to say;
I really like Texas !
It's not only because of the amazing bike course for the Xterra race (single-trak trails only...riding the course is like one long dance), it's more about the nice people here in Waco, and having a lot of fun with the Hairston's family (who live in Cameron Park!), Mike and his family from Austin and Trevor from San Diego.

I am very excited for the race next Sunday. I met a few athletes yesterday at the meeting in the bike shop, also people from Austalia.

let you know and a few more pics from this lovely area will follow soon.


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sundance Cross Country Race

great course, awesome condition, three laps to do, 1h 58min racing time for me and a happy win.
5th Erika Powers, 4th Emma Garrard, 3th Holley Kara C, 2th Bingham Kelsay.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

mtb ride on the Antalope Island

hard run in the morning in Park City,
1h 45min, offroad, muddy, hilly, 21km,
next session was then the nice and easy part of the day;
mtb ride for 3 hours on the Island of Antalope State Park. close to Salt Lake City and the home of freeroaming bison.
beautiful view in a very quiet, lovely area. a few bugs around, but that fact kept us riding and having the wind to blow them away. we had a lot of un out there, and one big challenge;
how to pass a 2000 pound bison, standing in the middle of the trail !! I was pretty happy, that Emma took the lead on this section. she talked to this huge animal like talking to her dog Kip. and it worked ! by the way; bisons have a huge head, and they are really smart, and mostly friendly.
this is my last week of hard training here in Utah, before flying to Austin, then racing Xterra Waco and after that back to Europe.
best wishes

Saturday, May 8, 2010


joined this morning the 5km RACE FOR THE CURE run in Salt Lake City, together with Emma and 20'000 runners. what a great experience. it helped me to recognise again, what it means to be healthy, to be able to run.

very thankful for that.

life is good.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fit for Life

Das Fit for Life vom Mai berichtet nicht nur über die Trans Andes Challenge sondern auch über den XTERRA-Saisonstart.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Cross Country Rennen in Lehi, Utah

Eine harte Trainingseinheit auf dem Bike war auf dem Trainingsplan angesagt.
Trainingspartnerin Emma und ich beschlossen somit beim Intermountain Cup in Lehi zu starten.
Und dieses Cross Country Rennen war eine harte Angelegenheit.
Wir Pro Biker hatten drei Runden mit je 11 Milen zu absolvieren, gesamthaft 33 Milen, das sind 53km.
Auf der Startlinie bemerkte ich, dass praktisch alle Mitkonkurrentinnen mit 29er Bikes antraten. Das gleiche Bild bei den Pro Men Biker.
Die Stecke war huegelig, schnell, mit einer steilen Laufpassage.
Wir starteten sehr schnell. Ich konnte mich irgendwie im Leaderfeld platzieren und arbeitete hart am Berg. Musste ich auch, da ich in der Flaeche, sowie im Downhill immer wieder viel Zeit verlor auf die gross-raedrigen Konkurrentinnen. Das ganze Rennen hatte einen Handorgel-Effekt, aufholen, verlieren, aufholen, verlieren....
Es kam nicht zum Schlusssprint, da ich gegen Ende der 3.Runde die Leaderin ziehen lassen musste.
Ich wurde Zweite nach 2h40min und Emma rettete sich auf den 3.Rang.
Ich darf auf einen intensiven, schoenen Tag zurueck blicken.
Hoffe euch lieben Lesern zuhause geht es auch gut.
Schoene Sonntig.


Training in den USA

Die Vorbereitungen auf die XTERRA South Central Championships in Waco, Texas laufen an. Im Nationalpark von ZION war ich mit Trainingskollegin Emma Garrard unterwegs, trail running und viel biken war angesagt. Die Landschaft war sehr beeindruckend und faszinierend.